
Learn & share this information to save a child

You might imagine Child Trafficking as a crime of opportunity that happens… Somewhere else. Possibly overseas, maybe eastern bloc countries? Maybe Mexico? You might imagine Child Trafficking as a crime of opportunity that happens… Somewhere else. Possibly overseas, maybe eastern bloc countries? Maybe Mexico? 

What Is Child Trafficking?

You Might be Surprised

You might imagine Child Trafficking as a crime of opportunity that happens… Somewhere else. Possibly overseas, maybe eastern bloc countries? Maybe Mexico?

You may be surprised to learn that child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry right here in the USA. And why is that? Because most of us simply don’t know how to recognize the signs. The Agape Rescues Children foundation is here to help with that. Understanding of the signs of child trafficking and the most effective action to take can make all the difference to help us save a child and catch a predator. Learn what to watch for, how to respond. And, learn the language! An overview of the most common terms used by both traffickers and the organizations who apprehend them is included here and will be updated as needed…Knowledge is power and the best defense against the scourge of Child Trafficking. Here are some of the key indicators and responsible actions you can take:

Glossary of Terms: Learn The Language!

Like any thriving industry, Child Trafficking has a language of its own and terms to note. Learn the language and terms used by both traffickers and law enforcement:


Most people think of cyber-crime as stolen identity and bank fraud crimes. While this is also true, the majority of resources used in cyber-crime enforcement are instead directed to the investigation and prosecution of Child Trafficking and those to trade and consume child porn. The possession of child pornography is a felony under federal law and in every state. The federal statutes that criminalize child pornography possession define a ‘child’ as someone who is aged 17 or younger. The constant demand for new images of children by child porn “communities” further contribute to the production of new material and thus the sexual abuse of children.

Predator, Perpetrator or Offender

The bad guys (or girls). While is usually easy to spot the bad guy in a movie, its not always easy to see the predator in your neighborhood. This role is not limited to men or even adults. Kids can be used and groomed to lure kids. Young or old, the chilling fact is that predators The only common trait shared by predators is that they view children as objects of gratification or profit.

The Victim

Most people reading this website will be shocked to know that victims of child trafficking range in age from infants to adulthood. Every race. Disabled or not.

The “TikTok” Method

This refers to a hand signal that is used by someone in distress to indicate they need help… Please see our video above.


This is a key manipulation tactics predators use to gain the victim’s trust in order to gain their trust and silence. An example of this could be as simple as providing candy or treats to targeted children on a regular basis. Careful grooming allows the exploitation and abuse of victims while reducing the risk of being caught.


The term is used by the intelligence community as the use of real or contrived evidence of child trafficking to blackmail those in political and high-profile spheres. The object is to prevent persecution.
Example: A high profile individual is invited to a dinner party at a well-connected person’s house and waking up groggy next to a naked child


Typically a female appointed by the trafficker to supervise others and report rule infractions. The Bottom may help instruct victims, collect money, book hotel rooms, post ads, or inflict discipline as required.


A tattoo or carving on a victim that indicates ownership by a trafficker/gang.

Caught A Case

A term that refers to when a trafficker or victim has been arrested and charged with a crime.

Kiddie Stroll

An area known for prostitution that features younger victims.

Lot Lizard

Derogatory term for a person who is being prostituted at truck stops.


A combination of psychological manipulation, intimidation, deprivation of food or sleep and isolation. Seasoning is designed to break down a victim’s resistance and ensure compliance.

Squaring Up

Attempting to escape or exit prostitution.


They are the same. pimp is another name for a trafficker. A trafficker/pimp is any person who forces someone to engage in commercial sex acts in order to profit from the exploitation of that individual.

Runway or Kiddie Track

Areas where young children, usually aged 11-16 are forced to engage in street prostitution by their trafficker.

Why Traffick Children?

Types of Child Trafficking:

Children are trafficked for a variety of reasons and along with women forced into the sex trade, children are also considered valuable for those who deal in human misery. Trafficked children feed a variety of illegal industries such as:

• Sexual Abuse & Exploitation
• Forced Labor
• Illegal Activities (such as drug dealing and shoplifting)
• Forced Marriage (child brides)
• Child Soldiers
• Domestic Slavery (maids or servants)
• Benefit Fraud (to collect additional social payments)


In 2021, reports to the tipline increased 35%


In 2021, reports to the tipline increased 35%

Trafficking Can Happen to Anyone

Child trafficking can happen to any child and their family, regardless of race, gender, education, citizenship, and socio-economic status.

Also considered modern day slavery, the USA is one of the top destinations and sources of child trafficking. This crime happens in every state and major city. Every year hundreds of thousands of children are recruited from and transported to and through the USA for trafficking.

Covid Made it Worse

At the height of the pandemic, isolation, fractured enforcement and additional economic stresses created the perfect storm for predators. As a result, both the demand and the amount of “product” in the form of images, video and actual encounters increased dramatically. Consequentially, the number of reports from concerned citizens also increased. Reports included more than 85 million files depicting various forms of abuse.

Spotting Predators

Learn & share this information to save a child

You might picture an ugly, lonely man in a dark basement watching unspeakable acts, but in fact, the audience for child abuse is just as diverse and the children they ensnare. Men of nearly every background, race, socio-economic status can be predators – Your neighbor, people you see on TV, civic leaders, the highly educated, literally anyone. Millions of predators drive a vast network of traffickers who produce various forms of content. Spotting a predator can be challenging, here are a few signs to watch for:

• An adult in the company of seemingly unrelated children
• Someone who is very protective of their computer/phone access
• Gives children gifts or special privileges for no apparent reason.
• Overly affectionate/playful with children such as hugging, tickling, wrestling, holding or having a child sit on their lap.
• Long stares or periods of watching a child
• Volunteers or works with children but does not have children of their own, or child friendly toys – video games, tree house, train sets/doll collections etc

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